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  • Ηeart to Ηeart Τransmission

    Μετάδοση Από Καρδιά σε Καρδιά

    What the Heart Feels, the Mind Transmits Education is a multifaceted process that goes beyond the mere exchange of instructions. In the realm of learning and teaching, there exists a profound and often overlooked dimension known as "heart to heart transmission" [Chin.: FóXīn 佛心 | Jap.: Ishin-denshin]. This form of communication transcends the physical and intellectual, delving into a realm where profound understanding and…

  • Equal Breathing

    Πλήρης Αναπνοή

    A Harmonious Journey to Mindful Balance In the hustle and bustle of modern life, where stress and anxiety often take center stage, finding solace and balance becomes paramount for overall well-being. One ancient practice that has stood the test of time is Equal Breathing - Fang Huxi [Chin.: Fāng hūxī 方呼吸], also known as Sama Vritti [Samāvṛtti - समां वृत्ति] . This mindful breathing technique offers a simple yet…

  • The Five Skills of Shaolin Soft Fist

    Οι Πέντε Δεξιότητες της Μαλακής Γροθιάς

    The growth and development of Shaolin [Chin: Shàolín 少林] Soft Fist - Rou Quan [Chin: róuquán 柔 拳] unfortunately was not like that of Shaolin Kung Fu. The need for survival forced the monks to focus on strengthening the body and on defense and combat techniques rather than the healing properties and the energy balancing provided by the art of the old monks. Soft Fist - Rou Quan is a great art, which constantly develops the physical…

  • Vital Role of Proper Breathing

    Ζωτικός ρόλος της σωστής αναπνοής

    Martial arts, beyond its physical demands and techniques, encompasses a profound understanding of the mind-body connection. Among the various elements that contribute to the success of a martial artist, proper breathing stands out as a fundamental and yet often overlooked aspect, especially in hard styles. In many traditional martial arts disciplines, effective breathing methods are left to the students to discover on their own. This article…

  • How to practice Shaolin Rouquan well

    Εξασκήστε Σωστά το Σαολίν Ρόου Τσουάν

    A Guide to Mastering the Art Shaolin Rou Quan [Chin.: Shàolín róu quán 少林柔拳], is an ancient martial art, heritage of the Shaolin Temple that has gained worldwide popularity for its numerous health benefits and graceful, flowing movements. The practice of Shaolin Rou Quan goes far beyond the superficial appearance of slow, rhythmic exercise; it is a deeply rooted tradition with profound physical and mental advantages. In this…