Seminar on the principles of traditional Chinese Medicine

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index_usation Date: 04/09/2017
Published by: «EPOS» Information and index_us Relations Office

Hellenic Shaolin Cultural Center by continuing steadfastly the permanent effort to promote traditional Chinese Culture [Chin.: zhōngguó chuántǒng wénhuà 中国 传统 文化], and the dissemination of Shaolin Chan Wu Yi tradition [Chin.: shàolín chán wǔ yī wénhuà 少林 禅 武 医文化] held a seminar on the principles of traditional Chinese Medicine. The seminar was addressed to the public of Thessaloniki and took place at the headquarters of the Shaolin Cultural Center True Path with speaker the well-known doctor of traditional Chinese medicine Mr. Zhang Kejoun Stelios, who responded immediately and with joy to the proposal of the founder and director of EPOS, Master Stavridis Iordanis Shi Yan Zhuo [Chin.: shì yán zhuō 释 延 卓].

Laoshi Chang, graduated in 1983 from Guang Zhou University in China [Chin.: 广州 中 医药 大学] which has been recognized as the second best in studies on TCM in China. Since 1988 Laoshi is located in Thessaloniki and contributes tirelessly to human suffering and improvement on quality of life.

Members of KE.PO.SA.TH True Path and its director Mr. Vasilopoulos Ioannis along with participants accepted Laoshi with the utmost respect and courtesy. On behalf of EPOS director who due to the Panhellenic Championship of E.O.G.S.K.F, was absent, along with students handed honorary plaque to Laoshi for his contribution to human, together with papyrus with the oath of Hippocrates and a T-shirt of Hellenic Shaolin Cultural center.

The seminar began with parallels of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with the Hellenic Hippocratic medicine and their common components, which are no other than the prevention, elimination of the root cause of diseases, which are essentially embodied signs of mood and emotional state of the patient and not merely symptomatic treatment as unfortunately happens in current conventional Western medicine.

Consequently, there was a brief history and origins of TCM. Then it was analyzed what is Chi [Chin.: qì 气] the vital energy, Yin and Yang situations, meridians, acupuncture points, the different types of energy, the effect of emotions on vital organs, how can TCM use their relationship for better therapeutic results. The doctor did not hesitate to move to the theory of five elements and how they are manifested in our daily life and in all aspects of life.

Dr. Chang developed the way diagnosis takes place in traditional Chinese medicine, referring to the way of life, elements of residence and other factors that can contribute to a better quality of patient’s life.

It was mentioned that part of the therapeutic regimen in TCM is the practice on soft arts like Qi Gong [Chin.: qìgōng 气功] and Shaolin Rou Quan, the Shaolin "Soft fist" [Chin: Shàolín róu quán 少林 柔 拳] which is the precursor of widespread and scientifically documented Tai Ji [Chin.: tài jí 太极].

There was presentation of usual frustrations and emotional situations eg anger, anxiety, fear, sadness, etc., how they affect basic vital organs, meridians which are affected and how the doctor can intervene to them.

The opportunity was given to make parallels from medical chiropractics respectively to traditional exercises in Shaolin Qi Gong like Ba Dua Jin etc.

The seminar was interactive with a barrage of questions dealt with great pleasure by Laoshi whose responses were meaningful, causing the enthusiasm of the participants.
Nearing at the end, doctor made live presentation of acupuncture use to students and did not hesitate to present therapeutic exercises to relieve neck pressures which have accentuated nowadays by the excessive use of computers and technology.

The doctor concluded the seminar with a speech on Kung Fu, he said that pretty much anyone can learn self-defense, but the essence of traditional Kung Fu it is to know himself, through the cultivation of the spirit and the development of combat virtue as it is also required after all through Shaolin Wu de [Chin.: shàolín WǔDé 少 林武德].

Laoshi Chang visibly pleased with the interest of the audience expressed his satisfaction and how he would be delighted to participate in relevant action.

"Traditional Chinese Medicine is one of the treasures of Chinese culture. EPOS has a duty to the proper dissemination of this knowledge to the general public and will always see with enthusiasm steps in this direction. We wish Laoshi Chang Kejoun Stelios to continue with the same unflagging interest and enthusiasm to practice and disseminate traditional Chinese medicine.", stated the director of EPOS, Master Stavridis Iordanis.

Overview of the Seminar in the official website of Shaolin Temple. LINK

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